Currently involved in the work of Fundación Dos Hermanas is a group of producers, conservationists and flora and fauna researchers, united by a commitment to conserving the natural eco-system, improving the welfare of local rural communities and driving forward new thinking and a new relationship between humanity and nature.
Under the ownership of Rachel and Pamela Schiele for nearly 100 years from 1921, the estancia became dedicated to conservation and environmentally sound production of meat and crops during the 1980s. By 1992/4 the estancia was entirely organic and active in conservation of all its flora and fauna.
Rachel and Pamela then created a foundation to own the estancia and continue its mission in perpetuity, with organic certification and the intervention of Fundación Vida Silvestre Argentina in making the whole extent of the estancia a protected area for conservation. Research, information dissemination and education were key aspects for organic farmers, conservationists, educators, students and children alike.

Edward Schiele, grandfather of the founders, starts production on a large area of land with colonists and cattle, including the current estancia Las Dos Hermanas.
Edward Schiele’s land is divided and Rachel and Pamela inherit the estancia as very young children.
Rachel and Pamela become more involved in farming and conservation at the estancia Las Dos Hermanas and are inspired by reading Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring.
Rachel and Pamela decide to go organic, stopping pesticides and emphasizing conservation.
Mark Measures visits Las Dos Hermanas and starts giving organic and conservation advice.
One of the first Fundación Vida Silvestre Argentina refugios, conserving pampa flora and fauna. This was the first refugio which contained a farming enterprise.
Organic conversion and certification of the whole farm.
Fundación Rachel and Pamela Schiele set up in London and registered in Buenos Aires.
Las Dos Hermanas hosts visitors from the 1998 IFOAM World Organic Congress held for the first time in Argentina.
Fundación Rachel and Pamela Schiele Foundation wins BBVA Banco Francés prize for conservation.
The fundación is a co-founder of MAPO, the organization of Argentina’s organic farmers.
Bird population censuses begin at estancia Las Dos Hermanas. In 2004 we co-found the Grupo Pampa Orgánica.
The organization co-founds the Red Argentina de Reservas Naturales Privada. In 2015 we launch the first Conservation Plan for the estancia Las Dos Hermanas.
Fundación Rachel and Pamela Schiele Foundation introduces to Argentina the innovative Garford camera-guided inter-row weeding machine for organic crops.
2021 - 2022
The organization delivers the first sale of organic beef from Argentina to the USA. Fundación Rachel and Pamela Schiele renamed as Fundación Dos Hermanas.
Marcelo L. Frías
General Administration
Joaquín González Innocenti
Production Manager
Gimena Gacé
Administration Manager


Una fundación de ingleses y argentinos hace 100% producción orgánica
Read Article
La Nación
4 de junio de 2018 • News Article
Red de Reservas Privadas de Argentina - Parte 1
Científicos Industria Argentina
27 Noviembre 2015 • Video
Red de Reservas privadas de argentina - Parte 2
Científicos Industria Argentina
28 Noviembre 2015 • Video
Estancia Las Dos Hermanas: 100 % orgánica, no recibe subsidios o donaciones y produce a gran escala
Foro Ambiental
19 Junio 2018 • News Article
About Fundación Dos Hermanas

Rodale Institute:
Further Information
Board Members
Marina Harteneck
Pedro Landa
Mark Measures
Jolande Murray
Kenelm Murray
Donald Peck
Lucy Peck